Our Vision & Values


The Trangie Local Aboriginal Land Council is committed to supporting, protecting, promoting and educating all people on Aboriginal Culture. This will allow Aboriginal community to grow and maintain a sense of identity and pride. The Trangie Local Aboriginal Land Council will pursue crown land claims and claims on TSR’s, protect and register sites of cultural significance and maintain these areas for future use.


The Trangie LALC adopts the following values in committing to serve our members, and through the members, our community:

  • Valuing the role of protecting culture, heritage and identity

  • Respecting and supporting our Elders and the valuable knowledge they instil into the community

  • Valuing our people and community, protecting their health and well being

  • Valuing our Land Council, its members and all those working in the best interests of the Trangie LALC and the contributions it can make to assist the community

  • Being fair and equal

  • Responsive of community issues

  • Mutually respectful relationships between Trangie LALC, community, local agencies and Government

  • Being responsible and accountable when representing the Trangie LALC